07/03 -

Views. Heritage of Water Architecture in Barcelona

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Collection exhibition . Barcelona


Centre Obert d’Arquitectura


espai Picasso
Plaça Nova 5, 1a planta


From Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 8 pm, Sundays from 10 am to 3 pm




March 7th at 6:30 pm, featuring a conversation between Sandra Bestraten, president of the Barcelona demarcation, and Anna Mas, the photographer of the exhibition.


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The exhibition, the first of the MIRADES Cycle at the Barcelona headquarters, dedicated this year to WATER, includes about twenty images by the photographer Anna Mas

The exhibition stems from the Europa Nostra Award 2021 for the rehabilitation and musealization of the historical complex of the Torre de les Aigües del Besòs. This recognition, one of the most important awarded by the European Union under the Creative Europe program, opens our perspective to the importance of infrastructure that has allowed the city’s growth and the arrival of water in homes.

In 2021, the Architect Groups of each district of COAC Barcelona, together with AADIPA, promote the Water Architecture Integration Project in the City of Barcelona, with the aim of promoting its knowledge, disseminating this fragile heritage, and addressing the challenges it poses to give them a new life. In a context of climate change and an alarming drought situation, it emphasizes the need to raise awareness of the value of water throughout society.

The opening event will take place on March 7th at 6:30 pm, featuring a conversation between Sandra Bestraten, president of the Barcelona demarcation, and Anna Mas, the photographer of the exhibition.

Anna Mas i Talens (Barcelona (1968 ). Bachelor of Biology, she worked in the field of environmental education for ten years. In 1998, she studied photography at the Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya, and in 2001 at the Aula d’Especialització Fotogràfica de Barcelona. Since then, she has worked as a freelance photographer. She is a regular collaborator at El Periodico de Catalunya and has been contributing continuously since 2006 to the Mies van der Rohe Foundation, documenting artistic interventions, the EU Mies Awards, cultural events, and publishing in various books: “Ai Weiwei With Milk – find something everybody can use” / “The Then Set Here Place As And” Peter Downsbrought / “An Accidental Masterpiece: the Barcelona Pavilion.” She has also published in magazines such as Architectural Review, Riba Journal, Metalocus, and proyectocontract, among others. She has participated in various exhibitions: “Comparti_ments” at the Sàfia gallery in Barcelona; “PER_DURAR Restoration of the Tangassogo village in Burkina Faso” produced by COAC and the Museu de Granollers; and “Confidències a l’hora del Tè” at the Joan Abelló Museum in Mollet del Vallès. She has also created image banks of architectural heritage commissioned by the City Councils of Sant Cugat, La Garriga, and Cardedeu.


The exhibition cycle MIRADES is a cultural initiative that weaves throughout the territory in a collaborative way, highlighting the local heritage through the observation of the four elements of nature: water, earth, fire, and air. Each of these elements will be the subject of an annual exhibition, completing the series in four years and expanding the legacy of the historical archive of the Architects' Association with the donation of photographic records that will build the exhibitions. In this way, from a local perspective, we will share and discuss commitments of a global nature

L’aigua com a modeladora del territori, de Mariano Cebolla (Tortosa, 28.09 – 31.12)
Indústries fluvials. L’aigua com a energia, de Judith Casas (Manresa, 1.12 – 16.12; Vic, 11.01 – 26.01)
L’aigua i la mar, de Pep Escoda (Tarragona, 22.01 – 15.03)
La sequera - mancança d'aigua. Fotos aèries, de Carles Rabada (Lleida, 1.02 - 15.03)
Paisatges íntims, de Carles Sánchez (Girona, 22.02 - 21.04)
Patrimoni de l’arquitectura de l’aigua a Barcelona, d’Anna Mas (7.03 – 24.04)

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