Cookie Policy

1. Definition and purpose of cookies

What are cookies? A cookie is a computer file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, amongst other things, to store and recover information on users’ browsing habits and equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, this information is used to recognize the user.

2. What kinds of cookies does this website use?

Technical and personalization cookies: These are necessary or appropriate for the provision of certain services. The first kind allow the user to browse through the website and use the various services available, and the latter allow the user to access the service with some predefined characteristics of a general nature. Cookies are used for the language, the content manager and maintenance session when necessary. If you disable these cookies, the website content may not be correctly received.

Analysis cookies: These cookies, whether processed by us or by third parties, allow us to monitor and perform statistical analysis of the behavior of all users. If you disable these cookies, the website will continue operating without prejudice to the information provided by the use of cookies on our website with a view to improving our services.

External social networks cookies: These are used for visitors to interact with the content of different social platforms.

3. How to disable or delete cookies

You can enable, block or delete the cookies installed in your equipment by configuring the browser options installed in your computer.

If you decide not to accept cookies, it is possible that the Website may not function properly.

If you continue browsing, it will be assumed that you accept our use of cookies.

4. Identification of who uses the information from cookies

The information obtained from the use of cookies is only processed by the ARCHITECTS’ ASSOCIATION OF CATALONIA, which has contracted the services of Google Analytics. By clicking on this link, you can read their legal terms and conditions.

5. Update of the cookies policy.

It is possible that, through new regulatory interpretations made by the competent institutions, judges or courts, this cookies policy may undergo certain changes. The user is, therefore, requested to regularly check its contents.


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• Chrome here